M's eggnog is a whole different beast: He makes it from scratch with raw egg yolks and plenty of booze. It's still sweet, but packs a potent vodka punch. The first batch is traditionally made for Thanksgiving and makes it's debut at the Turkey Trot organized by his friends. Personally, I just can't do alcoholic nog at 9 am, but I'm always glad to partake later in the day.
Inspired by M's potion, I started making my own nog a few years ago. I read online that it could (and maybe should) be aged in the fridge for 3 weeks or more. This allows the alcohol and egg yolks to work their magic together, melding the flavors and creating a naturally thick concoction. Yes, "magic" is the technical term (I never promised I was a food scientist; here's a layman's explanation). I use the chow.com recipe linked in that article, although I have never bothered fussing with egg whites and cream to serve it as instructed. The primary alcohol is bourbon-- I use Jim Beam-- so the flavor differs from M's vodka-based nog. My Midwestern family was too nice to pick a favorite the one year I tried to foment a nog-off.

To allow for 3+ weeks of aging, I mixed up this year's batch yesterday. In a nod to minimizing the use of processed sugar, I tried replacing a cup of the white sugar with 3/4 cup of Grade B maple syrup. It made the nog a lovely golden tan color, and I'm hoping the flavor will meld well with the bourbon. It doesn't look that glamorous at this point, but I can't wait to give it a try!
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