Friday, December 5, 2014


Well, I sure blew it yesterday in the "posting every day" department, huh? I got home from work and had a major case of the Nopes. Nope, don't wanna make dinner (hooray for leftovers). Nope, don't wanna make something for my work potluck (well, I made some pumpkin bread). And nope, don't want to write a blog post.

What I did instead was drink a few glasses of wine and watch The Taste, one of my guilty pleasure tv shows. Last night was the season premiere, in which all the contestants vie for a spot on the show via a blind taste test. If selected for more than one of the judge's teams, roles are reversed, and the judges must make the case for the contestant to choose their team. Poor Nigella Lawson, no one ever wants to be on her team.

Today was a festive day at work, with a lunch potluck for our floor and the company-wide holiday party after work. Since I'm in the public sector, this essentially  means that everyone shows up at the same bar at the same time and buys their own drinks. Somehow there is a small budget for dollar-store door prizes. It's always a good time, but after a few hours I developed yet another case of the Nopes. I didn't want to spend 15 minutes saying good bye to everyone, so I just grabbed my coat and left. I'm happy to be back at home, ensconced on the couch in my pajamas.

Music Advent, day 5 (1985)
I remember owning a single-- on vinyl, no less-- of We Built This City by Starship. For some reason it emerged as my favorite song when I was 7 or 8. Little did I know how prescient that was, since the song was also jokey anthem of my graduate program in urban planning.

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