It's pretty cliche to do a Whole 30 in January, but, let's face it, the cliche exists for a reason. After weeks of indulgent holiday eating and drinking-- E and I started the week before Thanksgiving by hosting her family for an early Christmas-- many of us are craving a healthier path. Cleaning up your act at a time when everyone else is doing the same is quite helpful for moral support!
I had been toying with the idea of doing a Whole 30 after E's birthday later in January. So how did I come to start it on the 4th? It's all thanks to our friend B. We visited her over New Year's in DC, and found out right off the bat that she was planning to start a Whole 30 on January 4th. She is new to the program and paleo eating in general. E and I eat a paleo-style diet normally (although very lax, lately) and completed a Whole 30 a few years ago. We were peppering B with advice and recipes, and in the process got excited enough to want to do it ourselves. What better way to support B than to join her?
Skipping ahead to today, we are embarking on the 2nd full week of the program. We survived the first week just fine, but the meal planning and prep was a bit rushed due to returning from our DC trip on Sunday late afternoon. This week, I spent much of yesterday doing food prep and we have a good game plan for the rest of the week.
Sunday's cook-up included:
- egg bake
- broth
- roasted sweet potatoes
- red cabbage slaw
- roasted root vegetables
- mini-meatloaves
We had egg bake for breakfast and mini-meatloaves and some leftover purple potatoes (love that potatoes are allowed in the Whole 30 now!) and green beans in our lunches today. Tonight we'll eat seasoned baked chicken wings with some of the leftover veggies from yesterday, because I have an appointment and not enough time to prep a full meal. It's a lot easier to eat this way with a full larder!
So, phantom readers, are any of you making any healthy changes this January? Tell me all about them in the comments.
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