Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Despite having an extra weekend of holiday celebration thrown in last weekend (which was ripping good fun), I've managed to get the new year off to a fairly productive start.

The first goal I tackled was to make kombucha. Using this basic approach, I'm trying to grow my own SCOBY using half a bottle of GT's original flavor. It's been doing its thing on top of a bookcase in the living room for about a week now. There's no major visible progress, but due to the cold temps in my house, it could take a few weeks. Or worse, not work at all: This more recent post suggests that the technique may not be viable anymore. I'll give it some more time, but if making my own doesn't work out, I'm not averse to paying for a SCOBY.

Actually, now that I've done some research, it looks like a continuous brewing set-up is the lowest-hassle way to brew kombucha. Instead of doing a batch in a big jar every week or so, you keep the tea continuously brewing (thus the name) in a big vessel. The SCOBY gets so large and active that you can drain off kombucha and feed it fresh sweet tea every day. Unfortunately, the set-up costs for this kind of system are a bit high, so I'm hesitant to jump in quite yet. Naturally, I'll keep you posted.

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