Thursday, December 13, 2012


I think I've mentioned once or twice here that we have a subscription to a monthly meat package from True Cost Farm. Today was pickup day (exciting!), so I thought I'd share a little about how the whole thing works.

I stumbled across this farm earlier this year, when I was researching options for purchasing meat in bulk. What attracted me initially is that the packages are a mix of beef, pork, chicken, and sometimes a bit of lamb. Most other bulk purchasing options involve significant amounts of one type of meat or another. We don't have a big freezer for storage, so a smaller (~12 lb) mixed package works nicely for us.

Each month, we collect our meat package and 1-2 dozen eggs from a pick-up site (someone's home) several miles from us. The location is not the most convenient, but since it's only a monthly outing, it's been manageable. All the meat is frozen and is left in a cooler at the pick-up site.

Once we get it home, we lay it all out on the counter to check out the bounty. Oh, and take a picture!

This month's haul:
3 lb ground beef
1 lb ground pork
1 beef roast
1 package breakfast sausage patties
1 flank steak
1 package chorizo
2 dozen eggs

Of course, we can, and do, buy meat at the co-op that has been produced using methods that align with our values. The goodies from True Cost are specifically raised not just for sustainability, but for taste and quality as well. All the meat has been straight-up delicious. We also really, really love the eggs. They have the most amazingly golden yolks and taste amazing! They get doled out slowly throughout the month for special weekend breakfasts.

I like supporting this kind of venture and appreciate the opportunity to try new cuts or preparations. Last month, for instance, we got a giant bag of frozen chicken bones and encouragement to make bone broth. Yum! It's also quite convenient to have meat in the freezer all the time-- it helps with meal planning, and has also saved the day on a few occasions when I've failed to plan ahead. All in all, it's been a valuable and tasty addition to my cooking arsenal. If you have a similar option in your neck of the woods, check it out!

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