Saturday, December 1, 2012


Well, hello there, world! The last time I was writing anything longer than 140 characters online, it was on a LiveJournal. Before that, I had one of what we used to call an "online journal", marked up by hand in HTML and everything.

For a few months, I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog, and Holidailies has tempted me to finally take the plunge. My partner and I have transitioned to eating in a paleo/primal way over the past year. As a result, I seem to have a lot to say about food, recipes, and cooking, with no real outlet for doing so (aside from taunting my Facebook friends). Food is likely to be a main theme on this blog, but other snippets from life around here will find their way in, as well-- thus the title.

Thanks for reading! I am excited to jump back in to online writing. Please bear with me as I work out the kinks.


  1. I'm glad to have found you through Holidailies and looking forward to following your blog. My diet has tended more toward "Slow Carb," but there's quite a bit of overlap with Paleo, so I'm frequently stealing recipes from the Paleo side of the cultural kitchen.

  2. Thanks for reading, and for saying hi! I'll check out your blog as well. I think there are a few other paleo-ish folks on Holidailies this year, as well.
